Lowestoft & Oulton Broad Motor Boat Club
The Lowestoft & Oulton Broad Motor Boat Club welcomes you to this web site of powerboat racing held at Oulton Broad, the oldest racing circuit in Gt. Britain and the only venue in the world to hold weekly race meetings. Here you can find the latest results for this seasons racing, a calendar of planned fixtures, competitor information and a history of the club.
(Eintrag: 03.07.2007)
MC Grünau e.V.
Motorwassersport im MC Grünau in Berlin-Schmöckwitz an Dahme, Seddinsee und Zeuthener See.
Offizielle Seite des NoName-Racing Teams und seines Fahrers Stefan Probst. Powerboatracing in den Klassen OSY400 und F250. Fotos, Videospecials und mehr...