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Entries: 411 - Page:

Entry: 291
Date: 07.05.2009 - 10:01 h
Name: tomas lind (eMail: Contact Form)
Content: Regarding re- schedul of Boretto race

Tino and other....

This is crazy and.................. I will/can not go down to Boretto to given date.
I will now contact our representatives and file a official protest !
For me this is the last sign of ignorance I need to understand that the people of UIM take no notice at all of us as are active in the racing !

I have tried to give our representatives real reasons why they can go with decisions like "one week later" but it seems like they take no notice !
I have spend last weekend on the phone and been talking to several from:
d and
Baltic states

And we did agree that there have to be a 30 days notice for re- planning a new or delayed race because of:
- tickets for ferry's can not be re- dated without high extra costs
- active and mechanics can not get a new of work weekend with short notice
- all active are making plans before and after race weekends
- it's not easy to re-schedule a 5 - 6.000 km trip and we must be allowed to make proper re-planning

Best regards

Tomas Lind

Entry: 290
Date: 16.03.2009 - 23:14 h
Name: Luigi Colombi (eMail: Contact Form)
Content: I sale the my boat, mostes and other new parts,

please contact me, thanks


Entry: 289
Date: 10.03.2009 - 22:22 h
Name: JÖRG/DORIS MATZIGKEIT (eMail: Contact Form)
Haben eben Deine Seite angeklickt,so schüchtern bist Du ja gar nicht !Tolle Erfolge hast Du da eingefahren .Donnerwetter.
Danke für Eure Karte ,hoffen das Weißbier fließt nun noch besser mit den richtigen Gläsern.Wenn es Euch recht ist würden wir die erste Maiwoche mal auf ein Erdinger vorbeikommen .Schön das wir Euch kennenlernen durften,war ne super Zeit mit Euch .Liebe Grüße an Deine Süße und bis bald !
Doris und Jörg

Entry: 288
Date: 23.02.2009 - 17:44 h
Name: Bernd Mehnert (eMail: Contact Form)
Homepage: http://www.mebato-racing.de
Content: Hallo Reiner,
herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, weiterhin alles Gute und viel Gesundheit,
wünschen Dir aus Rostock

Bernd und sein Team

Entry: 287
Date: 04.02.2009 - 21:49 h
Name: Kay ind Yvonne
Content: Hallo Ihr Lieben!
Vielen Dank an alle, die für uns abgestimmt haben Leider haben wir den Preis nicht gewonnen. Aber wir halten an unserem Vorhaben fest !!!
Bis bald! Kay und Yvonne

Entry: 286
Date: 18.01.2009 - 11:28 h
Name: Andi
Content: ich find es echt blöd, das die veranstaltung auf dem brandenburger beetzsee dieses jahr NICHT stattfinden soll !!!!!!!!

Comment / Answer: Daniel, 10.2.2009:
Tja da kann man nichts machen Bauarbeiten gehen vor die Insel soll weg und die Regattastrecke Brandenburg soll verbreitert wedren.

Entry: 285
Date: 11.01.2009 - 22:17 h
Name: iskren (eMail: Contact Form)
Content: I search TOHATSU 40 Horse to write 500 cubic metres for S-550 or T- 550 if whether there is somebody and he sells on isi92_f1@abv.bg or Skype tripio_f1 !!! Thanks Anticipatory :)

Entry: 284
Date: 06.01.2009 - 13:25 h
Name: Radi Kostov (eMail: Contact Form)

Entry: 283
Date: 31.12.2008 - 09:48 h
Name: d. Laaß (eMail: Contact Form)
Hallo Team Gerbert- Stoll,

wir wünschen Euch und Eueren Familien ein gesundes und erfolgreiches neues Jahr 2009 !!!

Danke für die immert aktuellen Infos.

Comment / Answer: Holger Stoll, 31.12.2008:
Vielen Dank!

Auch wir wünschen alles Gute für 2009!

Entry: 282
Date: 29.12.2008 - 20:39 h
Name: Tomas Lind (eMail: Contact Form)
Content: I hear you have problems with Brandenburg event !
The enviromental laws are the same in Sweden and Germany so you have to do like we have.. for same reason, we have learned how to figth back by:
- your race is only 1-2 times/year = no constant disturbance !
- your race is on day time = no one can claim they are realy disturbed.
- your race is announced = everyone knows it will be sounds.
- max sound level on engine is 90 dba = with length from boats to house the disturbance is relatively low..... and with above points you should get a OK !

The greens are just trying to stop everything but they don't know all law's as they claim they can. Go back and figth them !

It's out of national and sport importance that you figth back and keep your exelent Brandenburg event alive !


Entries: 411 - Page:

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